by Jodi | Sep 12, 2022
Exposure to plants of the Anacardiaceae family account for the majority of cases of allergic contact dermatitis. These include poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac, which are members of the genus Toxicodendron. These types of dermatoses are caused by urushiol, a...
by Jodi | Jul 19, 2022
May was skin cancer awareness month and we always revisit the dangers of unprotected sun exposure. The number of cases of melanoma in young adults is on the rise. Millennials are especially vulnerable, because they seem to underestimate the dangers of the sun and skin...
by Jodi | Jan 3, 2021
Fish that are fatty, like salmon, herring and mackerel, are important for healthy skin. They are all abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for supporting optimal skin and hair. These important fatty acids may protect against the harmful rays of the sun,...
by Jodi | Feb 5, 2020
It seems like chemical peels have been around since the beginning of time. Ancient Egyptians used animal oils, salt and alabaster to aesthetically improve skin and treat skin conditions. Egyptian women also took “sour milk” baths so their skin would be...
by Jodi | Aug 6, 2014
This past Tuesday, the United States surgeon general issued a call to action to prevent skin cancer, calling it a major public health problem that requires immediate action. Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year. According to the American...
by Jodi | Dec 26, 2013
Question: I had an injury to my shoulder earlier this year and while the wound has mostly healed and is no longer scabby, the resulting scar is still painful, raised, hard and lumpy. It’s bigger and uglier than the original wound. What can I do? Answer: There...