by Jodi | Oct 22, 2012
Question: I’ve noticed a small sore like a scab on my left upper arm that will not go away. What could that be? What should I do about it? Answer: Your sore could be a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), so don’t take it lightly. Sometimes a BCC can resemble...
by Jodi | May 7, 2012
Take an extra moment today to check your moles because today is Melanoma Monday®. Have your skin checked at least once per year with a dermatologist to avoid any type of skin cancer, especially if your skin has been or is overexposed to the sun or UV radiation from...
by Jodi | Mar 1, 2012
As healthcare professionals, we are expected to do a thorough review of systems, assess your medication, evaluate your past medical and family history, equip you with health maintenance and, of course, conduct a physical exam. Examining the skin is the focus in...