Brighten Up! 🌟 Tips for reducing under-eye bags.

Puffy eyes and bags under the eyes are common concerns, often surfacing as a result of aging, genetics, or even lifestyle choices. As we age, the tissues around our eyes naturally weaken, leading to the sagging of the lower eyelids and puffiness. This can happen due...

Surgeon General finally warns about Skin Cancer

This past Tuesday, the United States surgeon general issued a call to action to prevent skin cancer, calling it a major public health problem that requires immediate action. Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year. According to the American...

UV rays and location, location, location…

Question:  Is it true that the sun’s UV rays are stronger in the South? Answer: Yes, this is true. The closer your location is  to the equator (the line that is equally distant from the South Pole and the North Pole which also separates the Northern Hemisphere from...

Want to be 25% less likely to get age spots?

Well, I’ve been saying this to my patients for years:  Daily sunscreen use prevents the ugly results of photo-aging (spots, roughness and wrinkles caused by years of cumulative sun exposure which speeds up your skin’s natural aging process)  and finally a...

What moms must know about teens and indoor tanning

Question:  My teenage daughters love using tanning beds, especially now that its winter. Tell me once and for all, is this a dangerous practice leading to skin cancer or a safe way to get some color? I’ve read conflicting reports online… Answer:  Did you know...

Does minoxidil cause facial wrinkles?

Question: I have been using Rogaine for 6 months and I have recently noticed several deep wrinkles forming under my eyes, specifically the side I sleep on.  I know there are some testimonies on the internet and on Wikipedia about minoxidil causing collagen depletion...