by Jodi | Feb 5, 2020 | acne scarring, acne vulgaris, actinic damage, actinic keratoses, Age & Gender Issues, All About the Botox, Anti-Aging News, beauty, Before After, botox, Cancer Prevention, chemical peels, cosmetic dermatology, deep peel, dermabrasion, dermatologist, dermatology, exfoliation, Face, filler, freckles, glycolic acid, Health, history, hyperpigmentation, intense pulsed light, Jessner's peel, lasers, light peel, medium-depth peel, melasma, mild peel, nurse practitioner, oil, phenol, photoaging, resorcinol, rough skin, sagging skin, salicylic acid, silky skin, skin, Skin Cancer Prevention, Skin Care Advice, skin dullness, skin freshener, skin quality, Skinformation, Smart Beauty, smooth skin, soft skin, spa, spf, stretch marks, striae, subcision, Sun, sun damage, sunscreen, TCA peels, trichloroacetic acid, wrinkles
It seems like chemical peels have been around since the beginning of time. Ancient Egyptians used animal oils, salt and alabaster to aesthetically improve skin and treat skin conditions. Egyptian women also took “sour milk” baths so their skin would be...
by Jodi | Aug 6, 2014 | Cancer Prevention, Children, Eyes, Skin Cancer Prevention, Skinformation, Sun
This past Tuesday, the United States surgeon general issued a call to action to prevent skin cancer, calling it a major public health problem that requires immediate action. Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year. According to the American...
by Jodi | Jun 3, 2013 | Cancer Prevention, Health, Skin Cancer Prevention, Skinformation, Sun
Question: I’ve read many accounts online about an alternative therapy of using an herbal “Black Salve” to treat skin cancer, but then I also saw many scary photographs and read many scary stories of disfiguring skin damage from the treatment....
by Jodi | Feb 29, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, Health
Have you (yes, YOU!) had your cancer screenings? I feel like my dog means business when he gives me THAT face, so I thought it would be appropriate for today’s blog on cancer screenings. I know we all become somewhat lax about taking care of ourselves and I am no...
by Jodi | Feb 27, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, Health, Skin Cancer Prevention
In many cases we are not able to say exactly why someone gets cancer. I often find myself wondering…why this person or why that person? Unfortunately, right now, no one can provide a list of things you can do that will guarantee you can avoid getting cancer....
by Jodi | Jan 30, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, Eyes, Hair Health, Hair Loss, Health, Skin Cancer Prevention, Skinformation, Sun
Wow…today is the inaugural blog…I don’t really know what to say. I guess, Welcome! Welcome to my blog! I will certainly try to give you my honest opinion, feedback and of course, answers to your skin care concerns and questions. Anything having to do with...