by Jodi | Aug 6, 2014
This past Tuesday, the United States surgeon general issued a call to action to prevent skin cancer, calling it a major public health problem that requires immediate action. Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year. According to the American...
by Jodi | Jan 31, 2014
Question: Help – what is this bluish, clear very noticeable round lump on my lower lip? Answer: I had a young patient come into the office this week with just that: A clear, bluish-tinted bump on her lower lip. It was more than just a “fat lip.” I...
by Jodi | Nov 6, 2013
Question: I’ve heard conflicting opinions about what age babies can go in the sun. Is there a sun exposure rule for healthy skin for babies? Answer: I second the advice of the The American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the...
by Jodi | Oct 30, 2013
Question: I’ve been reading more and more about using coconut oil for hair and skin. Do you think this is a good idea? Can you tell me how to buy coconut oil and how to use it properly? Answer: I love coconut oil as an added treat for hair and skin (as long as...
by Jodi | Jul 8, 2013
Question: My daughter is apparently allergic to many of the sunscreens I have tried on her and gets an itchy, burning rash. What is it in the sunscreens that is causing this reaction? Answer: There could be many different chemicals causing a skin reaction. Most...
by Jodi | Mar 7, 2013
Question: My teenage daughters love using tanning beds, especially now that its winter. Tell me once and for all, is this a dangerous practice leading to skin cancer or a safe way to get some color? I’ve read conflicting reports online… Answer: Did you know...