Does minoxidil cause facial wrinkles?

Question: I have been using Rogaine for 6 months and I have recently noticed several deep wrinkles forming under my eyes, specifically the side I sleep on.  I know there are some testimonies on the internet and on Wikipedia about minoxidil causing collagen depletion...

How to avoid and treat dark spots

Question:  All I had was a simple pimple – why did it leave such a dark spot and how can I get rid of it as quick as possible? Answer:  Of course the answer’s not that simple! Everyone’s propensity to form a dark spot in response to anything that causes skin redness...

Are you at risk for this common spot for skin cancer?

Question: My hair has been thinning considerably for several years now, and my hairdresser recently found some  strange spots on my scalp. What are they? Answer: Watch out for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common, treatable form of skin cancer, on your scalp,...

Can you mistake skin cancer for something else?

Question:  I’ve noticed a small sore like a scab on my left upper arm that will not go away. What could that be? What should I do about it? Answer:   Your sore could be a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), so don’t take it lightly. Sometimes a BCC can resemble...

How to apply sunscreen properly

Question:  When applying sunscreen, should you rub it in so it’s invisible, or leave it as a white coating (not quite as stylish)? Answer: Well, it depends on the type of sunscreen you are using. Most spray-ons will rub in invisibly. But if you are using a white...

Kids starting camp? Choose sunscreen wisely…

Question: My son goes to camp all day and I need a good sunscreen because he has sensitive skin and is very fair. I’ve also heard that there is a certain chemical that kids should not be exposed to because it causes cancer. And, are the sprays as effective as...