UV rays and location, location, location…

Question:  Is it true that the sun’s UV rays are stronger in the South? Answer: Yes, this is true. The closer your location is  to the equator (the line that is equally distant from the South Pole and the North Pole which also separates the Northern Hemisphere from...

Want to be 25% less likely to get age spots?

Well, I’ve been saying this to my patients for years:  Daily sunscreen use prevents the ugly results of photo-aging (spots, roughness and wrinkles caused by years of cumulative sun exposure which speeds up your skin’s natural aging process)  and finally a...

Allergic to sunscreen? Read labels!

Question:  My daughter is apparently allergic to many of the sunscreens I have tried on her and gets an itchy, burning rash. What is it in the sunscreens that is causing this reaction? Answer: There could be many different chemicals causing a skin reaction. Most...

See how simple a Basal Cell Carcinoma removal can be

Question: My dermatologist said my scab was a Basal Cell Carcinoma…Now what? Do I have cancer? Answer:  Relax. A Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is rarely the spreading cancer that requires the systemic chemotherapy you’re thinking of. Cure rates for BCCs are...

Are you at risk for this common spot for skin cancer?

Question: My hair has been thinning considerably for several years now, and my hairdresser recently found some  strange spots on my scalp. What are they? Answer: Watch out for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common, treatable form of skin cancer, on your scalp,...