Is a chemical peel good for my skin?

It seems like chemical peels have been around since the beginning of time. Ancient Egyptians used animal oils, salt and alabaster to aesthetically improve skin and treat skin conditions. Egyptian women also took “sour milk” baths so their skin would be...

Prescription retinoids versus drug-store retinols

Question:  I’ve seen plenty of products in the drug store skincare aisle that contain retinol and say they reduce the appearance of fine lines while balancing an uneven complexion. Is this the same as the Retin-A products I can get by prescription? Answer: While they...

How to get rid of age spots, sun spots, liver spots

Question:  I have a dark brown oval-shaped spot on my forehead and a cluster of them on my upper chest. I’ve heard them called age spots, sun spots and liver spots. What are they and how can I get rid of them? Answer: These spots are medically called solar...